Hello, Bluebird Families!
What a fun fall week we had together! Early in the week the weather was beautiful, so we spent extra time outside to enjoy it while it lasted! We read some silly pumpkin books, like Pumpkin Town by Katie McKy and Sixteen Runaway Pumpkins by Dianne Ochiltree. We made paper pumpkin crafts, colored fancy pumpkins, created still life painitings of pumpkins and hydrangeas while listening to classical music, and painted our big classroom pumpkin using Jackson Pollock’s technique. We also used the leaves we collected last week on our nature walk to make leaf rubbings. On Thursday, we built domino runs, put puzzles together, and learned about place value while the rain poured. Once it stopped, we went outside to enjoy the mud and puddles! We found so many earthworms on the concrete floor of the picnic shelter!
On Friday, we had a wonderful fall festival! We shucked corn and then painted with it. We had a scavenger hunt where we had to solve riddles to get clues for finding our pumpkins, which were hidden all around our school. We hammered golf tees into our big class pumpkin. We played pumpkin tic tac toe. We had a special snack of pumpkin chocolate chip bread, popcorn, and apple cider. We also played with fall sensory bins. Big, huge thanks to Candace, who came and helped us with all of our fall festival fun!
Looking forward to another great week!