Hello, Friendly Fox Families!
What a wonderful week filled with joy and inspiration we have had at school! I can’t say enough about how much your children seem to be enjoying being here, learning and playing together. Focusing on this particular Art-themed unit gives them so many skills and tools that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives such as risk-taking, inventiveness, social skills, language skills, decision making, self-confidence and so much more! It is a beautiful thing to behold as we watch them blossom in this rich environment. We will be so excited for you to come to our Art Show in December!
We began the week with one of my favorite days, one where we talk about how we can feel differently on different days, and what colors those days can feel like. We then painted to the tunes of different songs and each child chose what color to use based on how each song made them feel. They loved this! We also did some partner color-sorting activities and it is wonderful to see how well they are cooperating. Another day we did lots of string art activities and enjoyed noticing the surprising shapes we could make at each one. Wednesday we talked about thankfulness and did lots of incredibly fun leaf activities, including raking real leaves together outside with real rakes and playing in the piles. This was super fun and we will be doing it more often when we can! We spent one morning learning all about Georges Seurat and pointillism, and then we had so much fun making several different types of our own pointillism projects (ask your child about how much he loved dots!). Today we learned all about concentric circles and how much Wassily Kandinsky loved colorful circles, and then we made our own concentric circle art patterns two different ways. We had so much fun with all of these activities and so much more!
We hope you all enjoy the vacation week, and we will look forward to more Art Adventures when we return! Thank you for sharing your wonderful children with us!
Much love,