Welcome to Fall Honeybee Families,
I hope you have been keeping up with us over on Instagram. I’ve posted every day, and I want to show you what our hands are doing, what we are reading, and what we are playing. We have been working very hard getting to know each other and our classroom routines. For many of us, this is our first time in a school setting.
Most of us know each other’s names and relationships are developing. All the Honeybees are supporting one another and taking care of each other. Even if it is still hard for your child to separate in the morning, the kids are happily playing in just a few minutes. We are building a sense of safety and security in our classroom, nurturing our school family. Our visual calendar near the circle helps them see where we are in the morning and what will be happening next.
I’ve been touching base with all of you and letting you know how your Honeybee is doing during the day. I’ll always ask for family support and reinforcement as we learn, play, and grow. I wanted to share with you some of our simple rules in the classroom. Perhaps you can ask your Honeybee about them. Our rules are simple. 1. We are safe. 2. We are kind. How do we “share” our supplies and toys. If a child is playing with a toy, another child may not take it away. The kids can play with an individual toy as long as they want. The second child can say, “Can I have that when you are done?” Toys on the floor are for anyone who wants them, and larger playsets can’t be monopolized by one child. It might be new for some of us, but Maggie and I are close for support. When we get to know how it works, kids will actually even bring toys to the waiting friend.
Similarly, we use a concept from the book “You Can’t Say You Can’t Play.” by Vivian Paley. While one child may have alone time, two kids cannot reject a third child who wants to play. Inclusion begins here, and Maggie and I are close by to support this. We’ll model ways to get into play and roles for joining p
At our parent meeting we talked about parent support for snack time and lunch. Please continue cutting round fruits and cherry tomatoes. Sausages and hotdogs can be cut into thin strips. Some of us aren’t used to sitting forward in a chair with our feet in front of us. We also don’t tip our heads back and drop food in. I’ll be in touch on an individual basis.
Our school, like most schools, does not allow weapon play. We discourage building guns, finger guns, and violent play. It scares many of us. I’ll let you know if your child continues to build and shoot weapons.
The Honeybees know so many things about both Sea Creatures and Monarch butterflies! Maybe we’ll have a monarch when we get to school tomorrow. The Fall Fairy comes to the Honeybee class tomorrow as we shift our senses and studies to Apples, Pumpkins, Fall Leaves, Forest Animals, and more Migration.
We are using songs and movement as we transition from one activity to another. Our line up song has spontaneously become Little Red Caboose. We ask for Sleeping Bunnies nearly every day, and we are learning new songs every week.I’ll update our songs on the Instagram, and I’d love to share some playlists with you. All of us love doing the calendar and counting the days of the Month. The Calendar Kid chances daily, and they are already hoping to be the one to put up the number and the phase of the moon. We will add more classroom jobs as we become used to our current routines.
Maggie and I have been marveling at how lucky we are to spend our days with your children. I’m always available for families if you have any concerns or questions. Please don’t hesitate.
Please bring in your family picture if you have not already. The children gather there and talk about their families. Also, please join our Honeybee Remind tomorrow if you haven’t already.