Did you guys get outside this weekend? I’m trying to get outside every day, and I try to take my children with me. Yesterday Ruby and I went on a little hike in the woods behind our house. Our dog Arlo always comes along.
So you like to scooter? She always scooters until we start walking into the woods.
There are so many tiny wildflowers in the woods right now, and the ferns are coming up. I think today I might go back with a trowel and bring some fern plants closer to my house.
Wednesday, April 22 is a special day called Earth Day. Isn’t it nice that the Earth gets a special day all for itself… like it’s birthday? I’m going to spend the week talking about ways to care for and celebrate the our Earth. I think the Honeybees are already very good at that. Remember that they declared themselves to be the Forest Makers last fall, and being a Forest Maker is an incredible way to help care of our Earth. Scientists say that planting trees is the number one thing you can do to support our Earth.
This is your mighty oak tree this morning. It is living on my back porch right now. I’ll take care of it for you.
One of the best things we can do to take care of our Earth is by using what we have. This simple project could be made out of two paper grocery bags cut open and taped or glued together. Honeybees, we have been at home for a long time haven’t we. I bet there is someone you would like to HUG.
You need a grownup to help you trace your hug.
Here’s a story we always read at school during April when we are talking about Earth Day.
Do you know any good songs about the Earth. I want to learn more. I think you might like this one.
What can you make out of something in your house today. Can you make a machine or invention? Go look in your recycling. I’ll show you something fun with an egg carton. Add a number puzzle or numbered rocks to extend this project.
Put your hands in the air Honeybees. Wherever you are we wish you well.