Who’s ready for our Art Show Thursday and Friday? I’ve had a lot of questions about our day. You are welcome to visit our show at any pickup or drop off time on Thursday and Friday. We close at noon on Friday, but you are welcome to see the show at that time. Friends and Family can come if they are masked. It’s just a walk through art show in each classroom, and you are welcome to walk through all three classrooms.
The Honeybees are having an art themed dress up day on Thursday and Friday. Wear a color, an art supply, an artist, a rainbow, a princess, a dancer. It’s just for fun. Mary said today she was going to be a striped Tiger. All of these are perfect and just a chance to have fun. We’ll have a special snack both days…art show style… fancy cups with apple juice and a cheese plate…. The Honeybees will be able to visit the Friendly Fox show and the Bluebird show.
We have learned about a lot of artists and created some beautiful works of process art for you. Not every child has done every project because of schedules and interest. If they want to play instead of making art that is fine. Some of the works are collaborative… things we all worked on together. Some pieces will have names and others will just be grouped together. Just take it all in as whole. Portfolios will be coming home in January.
Today we started building a Yayoi Kusama Infinity House in our classroom. You’ll be able to go inside during our show and add your own polka dot.
Our main goal with our art unit is to build confidence in “making” and creating in our own way. It’s been wonderful to watch them build, draw, paint, and sculpt. I never finish as many projects as I plan, and of of course our art focus continues all year.
When we return we’ll do a mini unit on Japan… mostly so we can roll some veggie sushi together. In the winter we’ll also learn about polar regions and animals, dinosaurs, and outer space.