Dear Honeybee Families,
I think we all enjoyed our week together last week as new friends joined our class. This week we’ll all be three, and we’ll all be together. We’ll plan some special birthday celebrations for those who turned three in August and September.
We continued to get used to the Children’s Garden routines and are still getting comfortable with our friends and our teachers. We feel secure when we know what is happening next.
We have been having our caterpillars join us at circle time each day, and we are noticing how much they are changing. The Honeybees have learned about the life cycle of the Monarch and the Painted Lady caterpillar. We have learned the word METAMORPHOSIS, and we are wondering what happens in the chrysalis. We love reading the The Very Impatient Caterpillar over and over again. We have also learned the name for a group of butterflies… A FLUTTER, and why would butterflies have to gather in groups… to MIGRATE of course.
We made these butterflies by opening up the letter B and placing it over our dot painted process art pieces. They are so bright and beautiful, and they are migrating across our classroom wall.
We’ve been singing and moving at circle time. Did you see our beautiful fall leaves on the first day of fall? Come on over to our instagram to see what we’ve been making, reading, and singing. The Honeybees loved changing the season picture on our calendar. It has a tree with fall leaves and a squirrel. I used a globe to demonstrate what happens on the Equinox, and that gave us an opportunity to find Virginia on the globe and identify the North Pole, South Pole, and the Equator.
Thanks for signing up for our Fall Festival Day! We are looking forward to being on the farm together and for parents to have a chance to meet each other.
This week we’ll read more fall books and continue to watch our caterpillars. I think we’ll have ten painted ladies in their chrysalis when we arrive tomorrow. We’ll make some 3D chrysalis for our room this week, make some bead caterpillars, and do some process art projects that may remind us of Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
As always, don’t hesitate to ask questions about your child and our classroom. We are loving our Honeybee Threes.